6th Grade Orientation

6th Grade Orientation


Tuesday, August 22nd

Orientation: Summer

Purpose: To bring incoming 6th graders together to learn more about how the middle school works and offerings available to them. 

Grouping: Student groups lead by 8th Graders  (Leaders of Tomorrow) 

Staggered groups of approximately 6 students in a group

15 groups would be present at a time.

Stations to include: Gym/Cafe


Counseling & Dean of Students 

Handbook / Counseling services / Social Worker


Clubs & Athletics

Transportation/Food Service

6th Grade Team (Content Areas)/Arts Dept (PE, Woodshop, Choir & Band, Electives)


10:45 - 11:00 Students Drop off to Cafeteria

11:00 - 11:30 Student Check in, Name Tag, Lunch

11:30 - 11:40 Welcome - Principal

11:40 - 11:50 Agenda Explanation

11:50 - 12:00 Break up into Groups - Mentor Assignments - Ice Breaker

12:00 - 2:00 Students participate in group rotations:

2:00 - 2:30 Quick 3-2-1 Share out with Mentors and practice lockers and schedule again

2:30 - Dismissal

More Info:

Important Handouts to give to families:

Upcoming School Year Calendar

Athletic Physical Forms and list of providers

Names of Clubs and contact person as well as required forms

Names of Fall Athletic coaches and their contact information

Food Service forms and special dietary request 

Transportation forms 

PBIS Matrix 

Handbook Form to sign

Future / Alternative Opportunities: (Brief description - 5 minutes)

VanBuren Tech Center 

Dual Enrollment & Middle College


WAY High School