Welcome Back to School

Dear MS Panther Parent: August 2023

Welcome to the 23-24 school year at Watervliet Middle School!  Along with our Terrific faculty and staff, I am thrilled to welcome you back to a new school year!  We are privileged to continue to work with an outstanding teaching and support staff aimed at supporting the success of all our students!

We have been hard at work all summer preparing for the new school year. Some important things to know about the upcoming school year (23-24) are: 

  • We will continue our arrival/entry process in the mornings. All students will enter through the main doorway at the end of the covered walkway. This includes bus riders, walkers, and parent drop offs.

  • We remain in a 7 period day. This affords our students to have Advisory time, and choices for electives to have a richer experience.

  • Continue to check your email every week for a newsletter from the principal with important updates and information!

  • Our bell schedules remain the same for all regular, half day, and early releases. See the schedules below.

  • The enrollment process will be digital. You will receive instructions on how to complete this. Your information will sync with Powerschool.

  • There will be some changes to the Chromebook rollout and technology use agreement. Chromebooks will be handed out during the first week of school after an agreement form has been signed by both parent and student.

  • Please note the red fire lanes outside the front of the middle school building. In order to keep the building safe and clear, cars are not permitted to park, attended or not, in this lane. Drivers will be ticketed for being parked in this lane. All students should be dropped off and picked up outside the main MS covered entryway.

  • Attendance reporting procedures have changed. Students can be marked absent for the following reasons: 

  • UA = Unexcused absence, no parent contact or a reason other than what is listed in EA (this is not an excused absence)

  • EA = Excused Absence(with Doctor, Court, Religious Holiday, or Funeral documentation )

  • HB = HomeBound Services (requires a letter from a medical doctor and a meeting with the principal)

  • T= Tardy (late to school or a class within 10 minutes; students who are tardy more than 10 minutes to school or a class, will be marked absent for that class–this is not an excused absence)

  • OSS = Out of School Suspension (this is not an excused absence)

  • EF = School Field Trip/School Function (this is an excused absence)

** Students with more than 10 days of absences in the school year with the codes EA and/or UA, will be referred to the Truancy Officer at the  Berrien RESA.

Daily Schedules:

Full Day: 8:10AM -3:10PM (building opens at 7:55AM)

Half Day: 8:10AM-11:40AM 

Early Release Day: 8:10AM-1:10PM

Save these important dates for the start of the new school year !

  • Aug 22 6th Grade Orientation  All 6th graders should report to the cafeteria side of the building by 11:00 AM for a fun-filled and educational day intended at preparing and supporting them in a successful new school year.  An agenda has been emailed to all 6th grade families. 6th graders will attend a number of educational/informational sessions, receive lunch, play games with their 8th grade mentors, and get some of their needed materials for the new school year.

  • Aug 23rd Annual Open House 4:00-6:00 PM  All 6-8 graders will pick up a schedule(if they do not have one yet), a device, grab a bite to eat, meet and greet teachers, tour the building, and try out a locker. Enter through the main doors of the Middle School.

  • Meeting(6:00-7:00 PM) Although this time is set aside to meet with 6th grade parents to help the transition to middle school, there is benefit for any parent to join and find out about any helpful information, or procedures.

  • Aug 28th First Day of School Students can enter the building at 7:45 AM and walk through the main door, down the long hallway and into the cafe until 8:00 AM where they will grab a breakfast. All students enter through the main entry of the building every morning. Class starts at 8:10 AM and students are dismissed at 11:40 AM.  Students can grab a sack lunch as they exit the building for the day.

  • Aug 29th First FULL Day Regular school day hours are 8:10 AM -3:10 PM

  • Sep 1,4 NO SCHOOL for students and staff; LABOR DAY WEEKEND

A reminder that you will receive information at open house that need to be completed by parents and turned into the MS office.

As always, we are here to serve and support your middle school student. Should you have any questions or concerns before the start of the year or at any time during the year, please reach out by email or phone. We are excited to have your Panther in the building this year and are looking forward to a terrific year !

David Kindt


Watervliet Middle School 

