W.P.S. Board of Education

It is the desire of the Board of Education and the Superintendent to keep open the lines of communication between the community and the Watervliet Public Schools.

As questions, comments, or concerns arise, citizens are encouraged to contact the Superintendent of Schools at 463-0300. The Board of Education conducts regular meetings on the second Monday of each month beginning at 6:00 PM and meets in the Community Media Center (High School).

Board Policy Update Recommendations

Community members are encouraged to provide input into Board policy considerations.

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the meetings of the Watervliet Public Schools' Board of Education can be found on our district transparency page at THIS LINK.

Board Members

President - Bill Spaulding

Vice President - John Oliphant 

Secretary - Kim Adams

Treasurer - Jim Tyler

Trustee - Brian Gruszczyk

Trustee - Amanda Morlock-Fisher

Trustee - Gina Grear