YOUR FRESHMAN FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month--MAKENA GUZMAN! I live with my mom and step dad here in Watervliet. I have a step sister who attends South Haven schools and is also a freshman. I also spend time with my Dad and stepmom who live in Kalamazoo. And I have 3 siblings who go to Hartford public schools and 2 sisters who live down in Tennessee as well. My favorite teacher has been Mrs Brush because I love singing and she is a good teacher. I participate in choir. I like to hang out with my family and friends in my free time. I am proud to be a WHS Panther because I love all the teachers and the school and they have taught me a lot. After high school, I want to attend cosmetology school to do hair and nails
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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CELEBRATE DUAL ENROLLMENT! ONE in THREE students at WHS is taking one or more college classes! Dual enrolling increases the likelihood that a student will enroll in post secondary coursework after high school. It eases the transition from high school to college. Because students are taking college courses in high school, it lessens the time that is needed on a college campus to complete a degree. Dual enrolling in high school lessens the cost of a college degree as Watervliet Public Schools assumes the cost of college courses. Dual enrollment also allows students to explore classes they might be interested in outside of the traditional high school offerings and can provide more rigorous coursework when needed. Today we CELEBRATE dual enrolled Panther--AMARA OLEXA!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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YOUR SOPHOMORE FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month--Jenna Ritter! My family consists of my Mom, Brother, and my Sister. My favorite teacher is Mrs. O'Toole that teaches biology. She genuinely makes the class fun and always helps me whenever I need, She also creates a very understanding environment for our class. In my free time, I enjoy being with my family and taking walks on the beach. I'm proud to be a WHS Panther because I love all the educational opportunities the school provides. After high school, I would like to attend college. I'm not exactly sure where yet, but I aim for a bachelor's degree to become a Cardiac Sonographer.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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YOUR SENIOR FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month--Amya Harvell! Hi my name is Amya Harvell. My family consists of my mom and my two sisters. My older sister is Madison, she's 19 and currently working to get her CNA license. My younger sister's name is Allyse. She's 12 and goes to north school. It would be unfair to pick a favorite. The teachers I have now are caring and inspiring and have shown it in separate, but more ways than one. My favorite subject would have to be Yearbook. In this class, I've learned how to take amazing photos and have built a family of my peers and my teacher. In my free time, I enjoy either reading or spending time with my friends. You can also catch me on the soccer field after school some days, preparing for this season. What makes me the most proud to be a Panther would be some of the amazing members of our staff. With their efforts to not only be their teachers to their students but also people they can depend on. After graduation, I plan on attending Lake Michigan College.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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Good Morning Watervliet Panthers! Today is Friday March 1st. My name is Jacob Schaefer and I am your Friday morning announcement reader. Today’s lunch is cinnamon french toast slices and turkey links. Monday’s breakfast is a cereal breakfast kit Happy birthday today to HAILEY HUTCHENS! Our PBIS raffle winners for demonstrating respect, responsibility, and safety at school today are: Giovanni Ayala Dylan Collins Alex Sipe And Kenzie Webster. Come to the office to claim your treat ! The Lady Panthers fought, scrapped, and literally squeezed a victory out on the road for the final regular season game at Allegan Thursday night 37 - 36. Key stops on defense late in the game, big rebounds, and extra effort by all of our Lady Panthers helped the Lady Panthers ride home happy. Lauren Laws led the Lady Panthers with 11, Ellie Golden added 9, and Courtney VanLente chipped in 8. Abby Whorton and Riley Preston batted their BIGS all night long to help secure the road victory. The Lady Panthers play next Wednesday in Hartford for their first district game. Nice work Ladies, AWESOME!! Registration opens TODAY for the next academic year at LMC. If you are interested in dual enrollment next year, please see Mrs. Tyler. No students are permitted to be in the building after school unless you are with a coach or a teacher. If you are found in the building after school, you will be consequenced. If you are waiting for a ride, you must be waiting at the doors of the building. Students can register to vote next Friday, March 8th. You need your ID and you need to know the last 4 digits of your SS number. Registration for voting will take place during all 3 lunches. Anyone who submitted an Early Middle College application should have received an interview invitation to their personal email address last week. The deadline to respond to this invitation is Friday. If you cannot locate your invitation, please see Mrs. Dawson. At this time we ask you to stand. The privilege of this day was made possible by those who have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms that we enjoy. Let us respect and honor their efforts by standing, placing our hands on our hearts, and reciting the pledge of allegiance. If you are wearing a hat, please remove it. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Those are all of our announcements for today. Make it a great day or not Panthers, the choice is yours!
6 months ago, Teri Richcreek
YOUR SOPHOMORE FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month--MARISSA LOWELL! My family consists of my mom, dad, and two sisters. My older sister, Morgan, is a senior. My younger sister, Miranda, is an eighth grader in the middle school. I don't have a favorite teacher-they are all really great. I ran cross country last fall. During the winter, I played on the JV girls basketball team. In the spring, I plan to run track. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with family and being active outside. I am proud to be a WHS panther because of the amazing people here. After high school, I am not sure of all my plans, however, I would like to attend a college somewhere in Michigan.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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YOUR JUNIOR FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month --LILLY SUMMERS! My family is my Mom, Dad, two sisters (Lyvia and Lucy), my two cats and three dogs. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sibley because she is a very real person and will tell you how it is. Her class is always fun and she knows how to joke around, but still get things done. My favorite class is my Algebra 2 class because I like math and I get to spend the hour with interesting people. I am in choir and I work while I am not in school. In my free time I like to read, write, sleep, and hang out with friends and family. In my future I plan on becoming an author or doing something in the math field. I am proud to be a WHS Panther because the school is very welcoming and provides lots of opportunities for you.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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YOUR FRESHMAN FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month--MAYCIE MEDLIN! My mom's side of the family includes my mom, stepdad, and my younger sisters-- Mattie and Mickinley. My dad's side includes my dad, step mom, her three kids and my brother, Rhett. My favorite teacher has been Mr. Grear because he's very chill and just the best at his job. My favorite class has been art because I love to be creative and bring my imagination to life. I'm not in any sports at the moment, but love to be active in the summer. In my free time I like to shop, cook, hunt, listen to music, and do stuff with friends and family. I'm proud to be a Watervliet Panther because there's lots of opportunities for my education. After high school I'm not too sure what I'm going to do but I want to travel and move somewhere warm.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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YOUR JUNIOR FEBRUARY 2024 Student of the Month --Clorisa Worley! My family consists of my mom, dad, and three siblings: one younger brother and two older sisters. My favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Sibley. I have had her as a teacher for the last two years for two different classes. When needing help with something even if it isn’t her job or responsibility, she is willing to help others understand what is happening. My favorite class would have to be one of dual enrollment classes which is Nutrition and Dietary Therapy. I find it interesting to learn about what the body should consume and the right amount. I’m currently not doing any sports or clubs. In my free time, I like to either go to the gym or spend time with my family. I am proud to be a Panther because of the opportunities they have given us to an early start on college education. After high school, I would like to attend college for a degree to be a nurse practitioner. Eventually, I would like to specialize as an orthopedic nurse practitioner.
6 months ago, Christina Powers
student holding sign
Celebrate CTE Month! Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages. Today we celebrate Gabby Wisdom!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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Good Morning Watervliet Panthers! Today is Thursday Feb 29th. My name is Julia Pepple and I am your Thursday morning announcement reader. Today’s lunch is cheesy Lasagna Roll-ups.. Tomorrow’s breakfast is cinnamon french toast slices. Happy birthday today to Ana Aguilera! WHS CHOIRS EARN DIVISION 1 RATINGS! On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 the Watervliet Treble Choir and the Watervliet Concert Choir participated in the MSVMA District 6 Choral Festival. The festival was held at The Chapel, in St. Joseph, Michigan. Each choir was given a score for their performance as well as their sight reading ability. Both choirs received wonderful comments from the judges for their amazing discipline, dedication, and their beautiful tone and blend. They earned Division 1 ratings (the highest possible rating) qualifying them for State Festival and they represented our choral program, school, and community with great Panther Pride! CONGRATULATIONS, CHOIRS!! No students are permitted to be in the building after school unless you are with a coach or a teacher. If you are found in the building after school, you will be consequenced. If you are waiting for a ride, you must be waiting at the doors of the building. Students can register to vote on March 8th. Check your email for details. Anyone who submitted an Early Middle College application should have received an interview invitation to their personal email address last week. The deadline to respond to this invitation is Friday. If you cannot locate your invitation, please see Mrs. Dawson. PE/Health classes will be in the auditorium this week. At this time we ask you to stand. The privilege of this day was made possible by those who have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms that we enjoy. Let us respect and honor their efforts by standing, placing our hands on our hearts, and reciting the pledge of allegiance. If you are wearing a hat, please remove it. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Those are all of our announcements for today. Make it a great day or not Panthers, the choice is yours!
6 months ago, Teri Richcreek
This week, students from WHS's art program received exciting news that their artwork has been selected for the prestigious Kalamazoo Institute of Art High School Show. This competitive juried exhibition attracts submissions from numerous talented artists across nine counties in Southwest Michigan. A big congratulations is in order for the following students: Angelica Daisy, Nicole Bender, Hailey Hutchens, Taylor Green, Claire Moore, Hector M. Salguero, Addison Smith, Lyvia Summers, Natalie VanLente, and Susannah Weckworth, each having one piece accepted. Additionally, Riley Preston had the exceptional achievement of having two works accepted. This is the highest number WHS has ever had accepted! The selected artworks will soon be delivered to the gallery for display. The juror awards are scheduled to take place during the opening reception at the KIA on Friday, March 29, starting at 6:00 pm. Hats off to these students for showcasing Watervliet's artistic talent!
6 months ago, Teri Richcreek
clay and paper animal
abstract drawing
mushroom lamp
floral painting
vinyl record with fish painted on it
dog painting
sandiwich table setting  painting
old truck painting
floral bouquet made out of book pages
cowboy boot clay sculpture
Celebrate CTE Month! Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages. Today we celebrate Jewell Burgess!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
poster of student
Good Morning Watervliet Panthers! Today is Wednesday February 28th. My name is Ella Harris and I am your Wednesday morning announcement reader. Today’s lunch is cheesy lasagna roll up with garlic bread Tomorrow’s breakfast is a cereal breakfast kit. Celebrating a birthday today is Trent Geike, Adrian Hernandez & Ramsey Perez. The following students can come claim a treat in the office for demonstrating resect, responsibility and safety at school: Aleah Sexton Dennis Frazier Michael Melcher The Lady Panthers traveled to ML Tuesday night and played one of its best defensive halves of the season holding ML to just 8 points and three baskets. The Lady Panthers struggled to adjust on defense giving up sixteen 4th quarter points and a three at the buzzer to hold on to a 36 - 34 road win. Three Lady Panthers scored in double figures led by Lauren Laws 13, Abby Whortons 11, and Ellie Goldens 10. Nice work Ladies. No students are permitted to be in the building after school unless you are with a coach or a teacher. If you are found in the building after school, you will be consequenced. If you are waiting for a ride, you must be waiting at the doors of the building. Students can register to vote on March 8th. Check your email for details. Anyone who submitted an Early Middle College application should have received an interview invitation to their personal email address last week. The deadline to respond to this invitation is Friday. If you cannot locate your invitation, please see Mrs. Dawson. PE/Health classes will be in the auditorium this week. There is an early release TODAY. You will eat the same lunch as your 5th hour teacher. We will dismiss at 1:10. At this time we ask you to stand. The privilege of this day was made possible by those who have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms that we enjoy. Let us respect and honor their efforts by standing, placing our hands on our hearts, and reciting the pledge of allegiance. If you are wearing a hat, please remove it. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Those are all of our announcements for today. Make it a great day or not Panthers, the choice is yours!
6 months ago, Teri Richcreek
Celebrate CTE Month! Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages. Today we celebrate Tara Halamka!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
poster of student
Congratulations to the following Panthers who have been nominated as a Student of the Month for February 2024! Freshmen: Sofie Shafer, Pyper Richards, Leanna Lovell, Gage McKie, Miriam Feneley, Liliana Perez, Kelsie Gaston, Maycie Medlin, Adrian Hernandez, Yami Marin, Joelle Petznick, Sarah Leoni, DeJuan Humphrey, Gabriel Shotts, and Makena Guzman Sophomores: Sophie Grear, Gabe Richards, Leila Wells, Jenna Ritter, Ava Sprague, Tyler Woodson, Addison Smith, Marissa Lowell, Madison Eberhart, Julian Cardoso, Grace Ripley, Kassandra Riggs, Jada Overton, Maria Hernandez, Hannah Variell, Nora Billings, Kami Rathfon, and Alex Sipe. Juniors: Sydnee Enders, Lilly Summers, Clorisa Worley, Kayden Harrington, Chase Morris, Daniel Mandujano, Brennan Crenshaw, Alex Wilder, Carson Underwood, Alyssa Briley, Tyler Asakavich, Austin Smith, Nicole Bender, Ruby Parra, Gavin Collins, Jewell Burgess, and Nic Terry. Seniors: Lydia Koshar, Mikey Fee, Olivia Price, Amya Harvell, Alex Hicks, Johanna Granados, Kaitlynn Cockrun, Michael Melcher, Morgan Lowell, Natalie Hart, Riley Hess, Ian Coleman, Joe Coulombe, Trevor Tavolacci, and Robert Carlson Winners at each grade level will be announced at the end of this week !
6 months ago, Christina Powers
Good Morning Watervliet Panthers! Today is Tuesday, Feb 27th. My name is Abby Lomoro and I am your Tuesday morning announcement reader. Today’s lunch is a walking taco. Tomorrow’s breakfast is strawberry banana yogurt. Celebrating a birthday today is Logan Glisson. The following students are raffle winners for demonstrating respect, responsibility,and safety in the building. Come claim your prize: Ana Aguilera, Marta Lucia, Marshall Smith,Wyatt Wagner, Jacob Milham, Jack Rodgers, Tony Freemyer, Braizen Robart, Kendra Sanders, Ari Jimenez, Gage Sirk, Amber Robbins, Alex Riley, Chayse Ott, Gage McKie, Thomas Hess, Bianca Freeman, Skyler Blaylock, Daniel Alvarado, Sienna Harris, Angelica Daisy, and Judith Aguilera. PE/Health classes will be in the auditorium this week. There is an early release TOMORROW. Students are welcome to wear PJ’s and we will dismiss at 1:10. At this time we ask you to stand. The privilege of this day was made possible by those who have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms that we enjoy. Let us respect and honor their efforts by standing, placing our hands on our hearts, and reciting the pledge of allegiance. If you are wearing a hat, please remove it. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Those are all of our announcements for today. Make it a great day or not Panthers, the choice is yours!
6 months ago, Teri Richcreek
Register to vote!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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WHS Junior females learned about the Girls State opportunity this morning. Click on the links below to learn more or ask your daughter about it!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
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Celebrate CTE Month! Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages. Today we celebrate McKenna Kirksey!
6 months ago, Christina Powers
poster of student